Insurance Marketing Strategies

25 Infallible Insurance Marketing Strategies For Insurance Agency

Insurance Agency marketing can be a daunting task for you, especially if you have no prior experience creating and using insurance marketing strategies.

You may spend hours and days preparing perfect insurance marketing strategies, yet fail in the end. This is why we will be providing you with infallible insurance agents marketing and insurance marketing strategies that will help you bring in masses of clients.

Is an Insurance Agency a Good Business Profession?

The insurance business depends significantly on customer growth. Owning an insurance firm is a wonderful business since clients renew their policies annually. Given that many of your clients will renew their policies the following year, you may typically accept a modest loss on your customer acquisition expenses (CPA), while still earning a great profit. 

Why is There a Need for Insurance Marketing Strategies?

In the past, Insurance was a referral-based industry, and smaller independent agents used to rely solely on it for new business. With so many affordable insurance marketing ideas and marketing options available today, using marketing ideas for insurance agents is not just worth it. Instead, small companies like local insurance firms must advertise and use unique insurance marketing ideas to boost business.

Even though it is a great business choice, growing your client base is difficult. This is why marketing ideas for insurance agents and stringent insurance marketing strategies are needed to flourish.

Most opportunities are online. Agents can build a local brand with low-cost website marketing and targeted social media advertising. Referrals are still important, but so is online reputation. Therefore, outstanding and unique insurance agents marketing strategies must be included in your plan to grow your business.

National brands dominate the insurance business, making it difficult for local insurance firms to reach customers. Smart insurance agents marketing and life insurance marketing ideas are required to differentiate an insurance firm from the competition.

Insurance companies often compete against both big carriers and local rivals. Almost every American has insurance — house, car, renters, or business. Defining and targeting your ideal client is essential in digital insurance marketing. Customers are becoming more tech-savvy as Baby Boomers age. This is why your insurance agents marketing tactics may need modifications.

If you are an insurance agent that is looking for some insurance agents marketing techniques, then read this article for informative insurance marketing ideas. If you follow through with these insurance marketing strategies, your local brand and lead generation will flourish.

25 Infallible Strategies for Insurance Agency Marketing

  1. Set Marketing Objectives

Prior to implementing marketing plans and insurance marketing strategies, it is critical to establish marketing objectives. Make them SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, results-focused, and time-bound) objectives, so you can track your progress. Set objectives for producing, prospecting, sales, cross-selling, and retention. Write out your goals, how you plan to achieve them, and when. To inspire fresh marketing concepts.

  1. Create Marketing Budget

The next step is to create a marketing budget for insurance agents marketing. Set aside a budget for each marketing channel. If you can, check back to last year’s spending to help you estimate. Are there any underperformers? Consider reducing spending on them in favor of more lucrative insurance marketing ideas.

  1. Track Metrics

Tracking every sale helps you determine which insurance agents marketing strategies are effective. Keep track of every new client’s referral source. This will help a lot.

  1. Emergency Info Wallet Cards

Provide all possible clients with Wallet cards as part of your insurance agents marketing technique. Incorporate local emergency numbers such as fire, police, and poison control onto wallet cards. Include your contact details and a claim phone number. Having such a useful card in their wallet means they will always have your contact information! 

  1. Specialization

Today’s insurance choices are overwhelming. So why should anybody pick you?

Many independent agencies lack a strong response to that issue due to a lack of a distinct value proposition (UVP).

A UVP is a strong suit that Only you provide. Your customized solution addresses a specific issue, making you a better option than the competitors. 

Most independent brokers tout their customized service and competitive benefits over large national insurance firms. That is a valid UVP, but you may need to create a specialty.

Consider particular occurrences or mishaps, health problems, business verticals, or financial concerns to get a specialized edge over other insurance agencies.

This is one of the best insurance marketing ideas that will help with your business.

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  1. Focus on the Local Community and Get Involved

Most agencies aim to target local markets. Meeting clients makes it simpler to establish connections. There are some insurance marketing ideas to make your insurance business recognized and visible in the community.

  • Consider incorporating various insurance marketing ideas and using wide marketing techniques like billboards, bus benches, and grocery shop advertising to promote your firm. This builds broad trust, but it’s a shotgun approach.
  • Active marketing builds community trust and attracts more targeted leads. Discuss the risks of drunk or distracted driving with local high school students. Organize life insurance seminars at a local church. Get a booth at a local business event, be more active socially as part of the insurance agency marketing.
  • Participating in your local community is a wonderful way to promote your agency. It also demonstrates you care about the community. Consider supporting local kid sports, activities, or non-profits. The league, event, or group you sponsor may bring in new customers!

This is one of the most popular insurance marketing ideas, as building trust and confidence within the community is the foundation of any insurance business.

  1. Leverage the Brand

Big companies spend a lot of money on marketing. If you work for a large corporation, you are a captive agent. But these large companies’ marketing funnels have benefits that you may use. So, use the brand’s well-paid marketing staff to develop the programs you just need.

  1. Do Customer Survey

Take online surveys to get feedback from your clients. Request open-ended client testimonials for marketing materials. Ask for suggestions on how your company might improve. Offer a modest incentive like a gift card for completing your survey to improve response rates.

  1. Forge Partnerships

Partnership marketing, also known as co-marketing, is another excellent way for brokers to reach a larger audience. Collaboration with other companies may help you reach a wider audience and improve brand recognition.

As a general rule, co-marketing works best when the organizations you’re working with cater to companies that may require your services as well. 

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Your partnership insurance marketing strategies may involve any of the following and more:

  • Affiliate marketing: Brands promote your company in return for money. In this kind of partner marketing, having a shared audience with your partners is critical to success.
  • Chamber of Commerce: You must build strong connections inside your chamber and contribute to the community. Chambers of Commerce are full of self-serving salesmen, helping others will yield the biggest insurance marketing rewards.
  • Content Exchange: Writing articles as an expert guest on your partner’s site and addressing their audience is another excellent method to promote your brand and portray yourself as an authority in your industry.
  • Bundling Goods: This strategy involves offering your products and those of your partners as a bundle deal to customers.
  • Referral Programs: Your best references are your customers. Customers become partners by recommending your goods and services to others in exchange for cash, discounts, or gift cards. Create marketing materials describing the referral discount and offer them to consumers to distribute. Let your clientele help you out.
  1. Email Marketing

Whatever your online specialty, email marketing is still one of the most efficient ways to communicate with prospects and consumers.

As an insurance agent, you should develop a marketing strategy that maximizes your email list.

For each referral, send a customized email thanking them for their business and giving a discount on their premium. With email marketing, you may automatically construct an email sequence to send to your consumers.

Consider the following suggestions when planning your email marketing campaigns:

  • Write a killer topic
  • Using an auto-responder to answer frequently asked questions.
  • Share newsletters.
  • Create and use a strong Call-To-Action button.
  • Create an email signature template and  include all office contact information, social media accounts, and insurance lines. It’s a fantastic method to self-promote.

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  1. Google PPC Advertisements

You don’t always have to wait for Google to find your landing pages naturally. Your PPC ads can also push them to the top of relevant search engine results pages (SERPs). You may target particular audiences with these PPC advertisements. A PPC campaign may help you boost conversions fast.

Establishing PPC advertising is not simple. No longer can a company owner simply run Google advertisements? Even seasoned experts are baffled by the ad platform. Geo-targeting, device targeting, bidding techniques, and creating compelling ad content and landing sites are just a few possibilities. Find a trustworthy digital marketing agency. They can make your ad spend go farther than you can.

Pro Tip: Don’t simply choose the most popular keywords to rank for. In spite of its high search volume, “health insurance” is a costly keyword to target. Targeting less popular keywords like “health insurance for seniors” can be just as effective and better for your ROI.

  1. Local SEO

SEO is one of the vital marketing ideas for insurance agents as Insurance firms are experiencing unprecedented competition. To become the top insurance agency in your market, you must use different SEO techniques, especially Local SEO tactics.

Most likely, the insurance policies you offer are state-specific. Even if you don’t have an office, your agency is location-dependent. Local SEO is required to effectively reach your target demographic (SEO).

Local SEO includes all methods used to rank higher on local SERPs, such as “insurance agents near me” or “insurance agency NYC.” This insurance agency marketing practice helps you reach more relevant audiences and convert faster.

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Among the local SEO tactics you can use are:

• Optimize the Google My Business profile by adding your address and service area

Using geotarget keywords in their website and content

• Ensure your company entries on social media, Yellow Pages, and other directories contain correct contact information.

  1. Content Marketing

We can all agree that selling insurance is tough. A good content marketing plan helps your firm connect with prospective customers all year long and make the task of selling insurance a bit easier.

Content marketing is one of the greatest methods to boost your SEO and create trust and confidence in your company. While most people associate content marketing with blogging, it encompasses a wide range of strategies.

Information marketing is based on producing and delivering useful content to your visitors and prospective customers. It shows you know the insurance business and can help them obtain the coverage they need. Quality content allows you to attract, convert, and keep customers.

With content marketing, your website is no longer simply an insurance sales page. Content can transform your website into a useful insurance resource for company owners who want to learn more about insurance and why they need it.

To establish your agency as a trustworthy source of insurance information, be sure to produce unique and relevant material for your target audience. A solid content marketing strategy helps you develop a loyal consumer base and remain top-of-mind with your readers. This helps you attract new policyholders.

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  1. Retargeting

You may use retargeting banner advertisements on Facebook and Google.

They show up to individuals who have already visited your website or Facebook page. These advertisements remind consumers of your business and entice them to return.

Retargeting works effectively online because people pause and become sidetracked. These advertisements remind them to get additional insurance.

  1. Improve Your Website

It’s uncommon these days to encounter a customer who hasn’t glanced at your insurance website. Consumers in this age of technology prefer to “test out” a company online, before going ahead and shortlisting it. This is true for both referrals and new leads.

Here are some of the most essential website elements to optimize in 2021 and beyond:

  • Landing Page: Insurance is complicated. Many customers turn to the internet for assistance in comprehending it.

Your landing pages may answer queries about various insurance products (like car or life insurance) or concentrate on a specific product.

Each page should include a lead magnet like an immediate quote, an insurance calculator, or a PDF with policy choices. Clients will be enticed to provide their phone numbers and emails for SMS and email marketing. 

  • Speed: Users despise sluggish sites. According to a Kissmetrics consumer study, 47% of customers want a website to load in 2 seconds or less.
  • Security: Is your website using HTTPS? If not, you should. Visitor’s check on it first to determine whether your site is safe. Cyberattacks are continuously increasing, therefore safeguarding your company’s and customers’ data is critical.
  • Responsive: According to Statista, mobile devices contributed almost 51% of worldwide internet traffic in Q3 2020. That’s why it’s critical that your website be responsive, meaning that it adapts to the screen size and orientation of the device viewing it.
  • Clear language: The individuals purchasing business insurance now are not only Baby Boomers, as previously stated. Make sure your message aligns with how Millennials and Gen Z company owners want to be addressed and educated. Keep things basic and straightforward.
  • Interaction: Try to make it simple for prospective insurance purchasers to contact you. Your contact information should be easily accessible on your website, perhaps with a live chat option to answer their queries in real-time.

So make sure your website creates a great first impression. You need a clean, contemporary design that exudes competence.

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  1. Use and Promote the Brand on Social Media.

Social networking is the fastest way to reach your consumers. Your agency may use social media in various ways. 

  • A study on insurance company social media users found that all 20 major insurers had a large social media presence. In order to expand their company in 2021, insurance companies need to increase their social media marketing activities.
  • To keep an active social media presence, be creative and post relevant information. Aside from providing great material, you may collaborate with influencers to promote your brand and content to a wider audience.
  • Using sponsored advertising is another method to increase the reach of your social network postings. 
  • You may use social media advertising to target local residents at a low cost.
  • Ads may be placed on platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram.
  • You may reward online check-ins with a discount.
  •  Join relevant LinkedIn communities and share your knowledge. 

All of this will help you network and promote your company. 

Read Also: Social Media for Business: A Marketer’s Guide

  1. LinkedIn Networking

While in-person networking is still useful, the days of giving out business cards to generate leads are gone. Market yourself as an insurance agent on LinkedIn, and reach individuals well beyond your local area.

Here are some important social networking tips:

  • Write a customized message to everyone you wish to connect with on LinkedIn (and your business page if you have an agency).
  • Post regularly Give value and develop relationships by interacting with contacts or calling before making a major ask
  • Contact warm leads who haven’t taken any action.
  • LinkedIn is a fantastic insurance marketing tool for business insurance agents and agencies.

Nearly 80% of B2B marketers believe the platform helps generate leads, so why not?

LinkedIn can help you develop business relationships and generate recommendations.

Read Also: How to Generate Leads from Linkedin 2021

  1. Use Facebook Advertising

Another tool in your arsenal that may help you capture and nurture leads is Facebook. It is an incredibly powerful tool that can empower you to capture and nurture leads. Facebook also enables you to target certain demographics, life events, and hobbies to specific audiences.

  • You may also use your existing client list to build a lookalike audience, which is a group that has many similarities with your present client list.
  • In addition, you may retarget individuals who have visited your website or liked your Facebook or Instagram accounts.
  • Create a Facebook business page as part of insurance agency marketing to promote your brand. 
  • Even if you don’t acquire much of an organic following through your postings, many people will search you up on Facebook to check you out. 
  • Forms for requesting estimates can be created on messenger to communicate with leads hassle-free.
  • This is one of the most used and considered marketing ideas for insurance agents these days. Many opt to use this to reach a larger audience and gain prospective clients.

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  1. Use Testimonials on Your Website and Social Media Platforms

Putting testimonials on your website and social media platforms can be one of the great marketing ideas for insurance agents to be proactive with client feedback. This gets good feedback in front of people before they search third-party sites.

You may have a testimonials page, but it’s more efficient to place it near your calls to action. Video testimonials are also very powerful.

Most insurance websites make big promises about the value they provide and how much they care about their customers. But they provide scant evidence.

Instead of you bragging about your skills, let your customers do it. It works better with today’s audiences.

There are also widgets that enable you to integrate Google or Facebook reviews, and the Top Rated Local badge goes to that site, where all your reviews are grouped by rating.

  1. Video Marketing

Need awesome marketing ideas for insurance agents? Video marketing is the answer.

It is a great method to boost your insurance agency marketing. That’s why 87% of marketers utilize video content in their insurance agency marketing campaigns.

You may use video editing software to produce the following kinds of videos for your insurance agency:

  • Introductory Videos (Who we are) — A promotional film is a quick and easy method to convey your worth. Ensure to mention your ideals to connect with the clients. Embed your video on your website and Facebook page. Local search (insurance + city name) is simple to rank for on YouTube. A quality video created professionally may pay dividends for years.
  • Policyholder Testimonials- Instead of producing self-centered films, you may include prior customers in your movies. When a policyholder shares their experience and how your agency benefited them, your brand gets greater exposure.
  • Insurance lessons — Most insurance topics are difficult to grasp without professional guidance. It’s important to educate your audience and establish yourself as a thought leader and industry expert.
  • Proof of Corporate Social Responsibility — Consumers want insurance companies to demonstrate their social responsibilities. Videos showcasing your agency’s principles and social responsibility activities.
  • Risk Management Tips: A fantastic insurance agency marketing approach to give value to your customers is to provide risk management materials in video form.
  1. Educative Webinars and Video Explainers

Hosting live or pre-recorded webinars generates leads, new business, and educates current clients. Host a webinar to educate prospective customers about your services and their advantages

  • You may also contribute useful knowledge on other insurance-related topics. 
  • Topics like “How to select the best insurance policy” or “7 things you should know about your Fire Policy Insurance Cover” are good examples.
  • There are a good deal of insurance topic options for a webinar or podcast. Just make sure your material is interesting and relevant to your target audience.
  • While producing digital films is definitely part of content marketing, it is one that should be emphasized if you want to attract new customers in 2021.
  • According to a recent HubSpot study, 78% of consumers watch internet videos weekly and 55% daily. Marketers are well aware that younger consumers prefer to learn through video.
  • Marketers are boosting digital video expenditures by 25% annually, according to IAB. Video explainers work well in complicated and sometimes perplexing sectors like insurance.
  • Explainer videos must be brief to be effective. This pushes marketers to simplify their ideas to make them more relevant and comprehensible.
  1. Maintain Brand Unity

You must maintain a consistent brand image and message across all platforms including the website, social media, and emails.

Create a professional logo for your firm. Aside from the logo, make sure your website and social media content convey the same brand message.

Try to keep a consistent brand tone while replying to texts, calls, and emails. Giving all customers and prospects the same experience builds brand awareness.

  1. Highlight Positive Client Experiences

Do you know what NPS is? It is a customer satisfaction statistic that evaluates whether clients would refer a company to others.

NPS is determined by subtracting the proportion of customers who gave a 6 or below (on a scale of 1-10) from the percentage who gave a 9 or 10.

The insurance industry’s overall NPS is low, at about 17% according to a recent ClearlyRated study, making it even more important to spotlight happy clients as part of their insurance agency marketing strategy.

Online reviews and suggestions are vital to any marketing plan. No amount of self-praise on your website can assist you if your customers disagree.

Younger customers value online reviews. 91 percent of 18-34-year-olds trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, and 93 percent believe online reviews impact their purchasing choices.

Here are two simple insurance agency marketing strategies for utilizing good customer evaluations and recommendations:

  • Reputation Management Software: There are many choices available now for installing reputation management software on your website that promotes and facilitates customer input.
  • Client Success Stories: Ask clients who have had excellent experiences with your brokerage to participate in a client’s success story. Businesses typically ask pleased customers to quickly describe their positive experience doing business with them in order to convert the interaction into a promotional narrative through a blog posts or video testimonials.
  1. Encourage Positive Online Reviews

BrightLocal research found that 88% of customers read reviews to evaluate a local company. That is, almost 90% of consumers check internet evaluations before trusting you. 

This implies your agency needs excellent online reviews on sites like Facebook, Google Plus, Yelp, and Yellow Pages as part of insurance agency marketing tactics. There are numerous simple ways to promote reviews:

  • Include review links in your email signature.
  • Put a sign-up. 
  • Mention it to satisfied clients as they leave. 
  • Always read reviews and react to both good and negative comments. 
  • Your answers will indicate how much you value your customers.
  1. Use Marketing and CRM Software

You’re absolutely correct if you believe all this digital marketing is tough to monitor. It’s tricky to keep up with all the new channels, technology, and communication trends. But, choosing the right marketing software is crucial and can reap great results. You need CRM software to monitor leads and customers. This is a necessity for insurance agents to remain organized and is therefore considered as one of the important insurance agency marketing strategies for great results.

But it’s also a fantastic insurance agent’s marketing method to track a lead to a loyal customer.

Our CRM is part of a multichannel marketing platform. It’s an all-in-one platform with everything. Work with our Ranolia Ventures marketing staff at any moment to accelerate your development.


In the insurance business, every new client counts. Intentional marketing and growing your online network may help you produce more leads and revenues. Insurance brokers must work hard to keep in touch with their customers and to renew their policies. With these marketing ideas for insurance agents and insurance marketing strategies, you may effectively reach as many prospective customers as possible.

Pro Tip: If you suspect a local agent is leaving or retiring, inquire about buying their phone number. Your firm may profit from the old marketing and assist people contacting the old number with their new insurance requirements. This is an amazing marketing ideas for insurance agents to help their business grow.

Remember: Insurers should always examine the market and what their target market wants before launching any new marketing campaign.

Once you’ve started using your new insurance marketing strategies and insurance marketing ideas, you can focus on delivering the greatest client experience possible by using digital technologies. 

These marketing ideas for insurance agents are just a few ways to make your insurance business stand out. 

Are you still confused and need help with life insurance marketing ideas? You can always connect with our insurance agents marketing team at Ranolia Ventures for more help.

It’s a tough business to compete in on Google, and gaining new customers makes it all worthwhile. You can’t just sit back and watch your website fall in Google’s rankings.

Take Action today! Use marketing ideas for insurance agents from this article and create new insurance marketing strategies for your Insurance company with us!

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