How to Generate Leads from Linkedin

How to Generate Leads from Linkedin 2021

LinkedIn is known for being the ‘Professional Social Networking Platform.’ According to Hubspot, LinkedIn is the most efficient platform for lead generation. It is 277% more useful for lead generation than Facebook and Twitter.

Now, chances are you might be on LinkedIn like most professionals trying to grow their network. But among the 700 million users who exist in the platform of LinkedIn, how do you create a niche for yourself to stand out and learn Linkedin lead generation? Read this article to find out! 

Before understanding how to get leads on Linkedin, you might want to know why LinkedIn lead generation is essential?

Benefits of Linkedin Lead Generation

Let’s understand in brief how LinkedIn lead generation can benefit your business:

  • It helps you generate awareness regarding your business. Think of it this way. The more your brand awareness is, the higher is your reputation and hence, overall profit to produce business. 
  • Apt Linkedin lead generation strategy can help you increase your sales and profit percentage. Around 55% of the B2B marketers spend nearly half of their budget to generate leads on social networks like LinkedIn. 
  • Using LinkedIn for sales leads can help you with a better Return on Investment (ROI). This is because you only spend on the leads you receive, enhancing the probability of multiplying your ROI and simultaneously decreasing the CPL. 
  • Targeting your desired consumers is one of the most prominent advantages of generating leads on LinkedIn. Being clear and precise with your target audience not only helps you enhance your business but only reduces excessive cost, thereby generating substantial profits. 

Now that you know how vital Linkedin lead generation strategy can be for your business, let’s get on to how to generate leads on LinkedIn. 

Generating Leads on LinkedIn

Capturing Attention

When your profile gets a view, you can either think of it as a regular view or a business prospect. If you follow the latter part, it is essential to capture their attention. 

One common mistake which LinkedIn users commonly make is thinking just filling up your bio would be enough. Unfortunately, it’s not! While words are important, videos are one of the most effective mediums for communication. 

Therefore you must include a 30 seconds commercial where you can precisely talk about:

  • Who are you?
  • What do you do?
  • How can the viewer benefit from the association? 

Remember, you only have 30 seconds. Therefore, make it precise and crisp. Having an introductory commercial gives you a competitive edge. Therefore, utilize it! 

Add Connections 

This one is a no-brainer, but sadly, it is neglected in the quest of generating leads on LinkedIn. 

By simply clicking on “connect,” you can broaden your LinkedIn network. Now, whenever you are posting a message or a commercial regarding your business, more people will be able to watch and discover it. 

Also, remember to connect with your networks. Having just a long list would do no good if you don’t know whether this new connection can be a business prospect or not. 

Therefore, invest just a few minutes daily to broaden your network. 

Create a lead list 

Make a separate list of LinkedIn lead generations you think can associate with you for your business. These can also be the names you see in ‘LinkedIn’ recommendations. Connect with them, briefly explain your idea and observe how it goes. The best part of this exercise is that you will contact various people who can be a possible future client if not current. 

You can also ask for recommendations outside your LinkedIn account through your networks. This will also give you a chance to reconnect with your networks. 

Follow your current clients

It is crucial to make your clients feel valued because good business ethics go a long way. Connect with them from time to time and look at how they are performing. If you notice an issue with their website or account, assist them! 

This will develop your relationship with the client and boost the “word of mouth” marketing for you.

Post Updates Regularly 

Spend no more than 60 seconds to post an update on your LinkedIn account. You can also use the “Pulse” feature for this. 

Remember not to sell your products because you don’t want to be too obvious and desperate. Post values and stories you think might help others. 

Every time you post and update, your connections get notified. Over time, you can emerge as the ‘connection that cares.’ This will not only improve your brand reputation but also bring you business opportunities through LinkedIn lead generation

Join Groups 

We discussed above why it is essential to target your audience, and now let’s see how generating leads on LinkedIn can help you address your target audience. 

LinkedIn, like many other social media networks, allows users to join groups. Utilize this feature and connect with communities that you think fall under your target audience. Share your values and insights with your community. This can help you explore new business opportunities. 

Celebrate Other’s Accomplishments

When you notice your networks perform well or accomplish something, appreciate them directly by mentioning them with an “@” reply. It will hardly take a flash but can help you maintain a healthy relationship with your clients. 

Write a Recommendation

Most LinkedIn users don’t utilize the opportunity to write recommendations because it demands effort. But everyone surely hopes to receive one. 

One of the essential requirements for LinkedIn lead generation is leadership quality. Start by taking the initiative. Instead of waiting for others to write recommendations for you. Write recommendations for the clients and networks you feel genuinely deserve the appreciation.

This act of kindness will carve high value for you and your brand on your client’s mind and then let the word of mouth strategy create its magic. Furthermore, they will return the favor either directly or indirectly, which will boost your reputation and brand image among your networks. 

Limit your time

Keep in mind that LinkedIn is not your regular social media network. Therefore use it professionally. All the activities mentioned above will hardly take 20 minutes at max but will ensure lead generation.

Invest around 20 minutes a day for a month, and you will notice how efficiently Linkedin lead generation works. 

To Sum it up

LinkedIn is a valuable business marketing tool, provided you can utilize it accurately. Learning how to generate leads from LinkedIn will help you discover several business opportunities. 

All you need to do is understand how LinkedIn lead generation works and utilize it to your advantage.  

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