What is the Purpose of Responsive Web Design

What is the Purpose of Responsive Web Design?

What is the purpose of responsive web design? Have you thought about this? A responsive web design can solve a lot of your website’s problem. It can make your site mobile and screen-friendly. With responsive web design, you get the advantage of increased user time on your website and it can also help in improving your rankings on search engines.

In this article, we are going to talk about benefits of responsive design and its purpose. Keep reading to find out.   

If you are looking to improve the existing design of your website or thinking to create a design from scratch, contact us.

What is responsive web design?

Before talking about the benefits, let’s first see what exactly is a responsive web design?

Responsive web design is the method of putting a website in a way that is automatically scales its content and elements to match the screen type and size on which it is viewed. It prevents the visitors on mobile device from doing extra work to read your content.

Putting it simply, the ultimate goal of responsive design is to avoid the unnecessary actions to resize, scroll, or zoom the content that occurs because of poor optimization of websites. If your website don’t have a responsive design, your customers will find it difficult to use and would leave the site out of frustration.

With responsive web design, you can cut the need of creating multiple designs for different screen sizes, instead you can design just one website that automatically matches the device it’s being viewed on.

Why responsive design is worth investing?

Today, we have so many different types of screen around us, with every screen having different sizes. Therefore, it’s important that your site is easily viewable across as many devices as possible. It is also important that the design works fine for both desktop and mobile viewers. 

As per the stats, in 2015, Google announced that the mobile-friendliness property of websites would matter much for ranking up in search engine algorithms. As a result, the sites that were not optimized for mobile lose some ground in search engine results as they failed to deliver good user experience to mobile searchers and viewers.

Benefits of responsive design

Let’s take an in-depth look at the benefits of having a responsive design.

  1. Cost-effectiveness:

It can be expensive for you to maintain separate sites for mobile and non-mobile audience. Using a responsive design can save you from the cost of paying extra for a mobile site. All you need is to invest in a single website design to appeal various device users.

  1. Flexibility:

Having a responsive design means you can easily make the changes without having to worry about managing two websites. This benefit is huge when you quickly want to fix an error or typo on your website- you have to do it once only.

  1. Enhanced user experience:

User experience is important to website users. If you want the users to like your site and visit again, you need to have it properly optimized. No one likes a site that takes forever to load a page or image or where the pictures don’t have the proper resolution. It can also set a bad image of your company, making it look unprofessional.

But responsive web design can help you from this problem. It can offer you an improved user experience as the viewers don’t have to waste their time zooming and setting the content of your website, thereby creating a positive overall experience of your company.

  1. Ease of management:

Most businesses especially the smaller ones don’t have the time to update or refresh the look of their websites. As said above, responsive design can help you do the changes easily and quickly. Besides, having a single responsive website will solve your problem of thinking which website you need to link with your social media update.

Embrace responsive web design

Having a responsive web design can take much of your stress of managing your business’s website. Your competition are investing in it, you should too. If the above mentioned points are not enough to convince you, think it like this, it can solve a lot of your money and time which you can invest on other better choices for your business.

Ready to invest in a responsive web design? Give us a call and rest be assured.

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