Mobile Marketing Strategies

20 Impressive Mobile Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Business

Mobile marketing is advertising products on smartphones and tablets. Mobile advertising often uses mobile device capabilities like push notifications and location awareness.

Are you already utilizing mobile marketing strategies to generate foot traffic? It’s time to put your foot forward to help your business reach great success by using the list of mobile advertising strategies mentioned in this article. 

The worldwide epidemic will forever alter the way people buy, it already has changed the world drastically. So, why are you lagging behind and not opting for the change that is necessary for your business to thrive? To attract consumers and increase foot traffic, you must advertise where they are and use a mobile advertising strategy smartly.

Digital marketing is a huge business, and creating mobile marketing campaigns is one of the most important jobs nowadays.

Mobile devices are as ubiquitous as email because almost everyone has one these days.

Mobile marketing strategy concentrates on improving conversion rates by using simple techniques. Using these tactics as part of a multichannel mobile marketing strategy may help small companies reach more consumers.

Mobile apps are a great way to interact and create a wider user base. It is reported that customers are increasingly on their phones, scrolling through various apps and using social media platforms. 

Between January and April, eMarketer reports a 20% rise in shopping app downloads. According to App Annie, Americans will spend 1 billion hours shopping on Android smartphones in 2020, up 50% from 2019.

If your customer is on the phone, then why are you here creating content only for Desktops? 

Create mobile marketing strategies for your business today!

Read Also: Exceptional Retail Marketing Strategies To Boost Sales Exponentially

This comprehensive guide will provide you with info on what mobile marketing is and how to utilize mobile marketing strategies to increase foot traffic to your business.

What is Mobile Marketing?

Mobile marketing is a multi-channel digital marketing approach that reaches customers through websites, email, SMS, MMS, social media, and various other mobile applications. Customers’ attention (and money) have shifted to smartphones in recent years. 

Marketers are following suit to achieve real multichannel engagement. Marketing is fragmenting as technology does. And to keep prospective buyers interested, the material must be smart and highly customized.

In terms of mobile advertising strategy, this includes using SMS/MMS marketing, mobile applications, and various other strategies explained in this article. Mobile marketing is an essential component of any marketing strategy, short or long term. From email to PPC, SEO, content marketing, and social media marketing, there is a mobile marketing route to reach your target audience. To be successful with mobile marketing, you must provide a seamless experience for your consumers across several platforms.

Mobile Marketing Strategies

There are many alternatives to consider when planning your mobile marketing strategy. SMS marketing, social media marketing, in-app marketing, location-based marketing, and proximity marketing are significant mobile marketing strategies. 

Let’s have a look at some mobile marketing strategies that you can use to boost your business presence in the market.

Here’s a list of various mobile marketing strategies that you can use to make your business successful.

1. SMS Marketing

SMS Marketing is a technique to use text messages as a mobile marketing strategy tool. It’s also called text marketing. By sending short messages (160 characters or fewer) to prospective consumers’ phones, you may give them promotional offers, discounts, and notifications.

Its excellent deliverability, open and engagement rates make SMS marketing a successful mobile advertising approach. 

  • According to recent statistics, it is reported that 98 percent of text messages are opened and read.
  • In 90 seconds or less, most individuals react to SMS.
  • SMS marketing has a response rate of 44%.

Probably because most individuals have their smartphones with them, and incoming text messages are hard to ignore when they arrive.

A link or a code that activates follow-up information is often included in brief text messages. SMS marketing is useful for time-sensitive campaigns, so don’t overuse it as a mobile marketing strategy.

2. Social Media

Many smartphone users utilize Social Media. According to Pew Internet, 62% of people use Facebook, and 47% use WhatsApp worldwide. Because all major social media platforms have billions of users, using social media as a mobile marketing strategy makes sense.

With social media, you may easily interact with your consumers via comments and messages. And consumer referrals and recommendations may help your company.

While some businesses prefer organic social media postings, social media advertising is becoming more popular to ensure you target the appropriate consumers. Some of the examples.include:

  • Facebook advertisements or boosted (promoted) posts 
  • Twitter promoted tweets
  • Shoppable or promoted pins
  • LinkedIn sponsored posts

This mobile marketing strategy often allows you to define an audience, specify campaign objectives, budgets, and durations.

3. Location-Based Marketing (GPS)

Location-based marketing utilizes GPS on cellphones to offer consumers promotions and information depending on their location. The term location-based marketing is also used.

If your small company has a mobile app, you may utilize geofencing to target local mobile users.

According to MarTech Series, 83% of marketers had greater success with location-based marketing. Because it is more relevant to where and what mobile consumers are doing, this kind of marketing generates greater engagement and reaction.

This is helpful for small companies with physical shops. It’s also useful for e-commerce businesses that provide local services like food delivery or travel. So, opt for this mobile advertising strategy for better results.

4. Proximity Marketing

Location-based marketing includes Proximity Marketing that can be incorporated as a wonderful mobile marketing strategy. This allows you to utilize Bluetooth to find prospective consumers and target them with promotions.

5. Hyperlocal Targeting

Geofencing is one of the Hyperlocal mobile marketing strategies. Using geofencing, you may create an area with a virtual “fence” that will send a push notification to anybody having your app loaded.

Now, just 1 in 5 companies use hyperlocal targeting. But this mobile advertising strategy may work for a variety of businesses.

6. In-app Marketing

The app industry is too important to ignore. Visual Capitalist’s top five mobile applications are WhatsApp, TikTok, Messenger, Facebook, and Instagram. Many other applications exist, which is why in-app advertising has become a major mobile marketing technique.

In-app mobile advertising strategy includes :

  • Display advertisements like banners that show at the top or bottom of a smartphone screen.
  • Native ads that look like the app they’re in, and video commercials.
  • Interstitial advertisements, which display in-app. These advertisements may display while going from one game level to another.

According to Mobile Marketer, in-app marketing may boost foot traffic by 19% to 49%.

7. In-game Advertising

Did you also know that 43% of mobile time is spent gaming?

Games are big in the app industry. Thus, many marketers are taking advantage of this by putting in-game advertisements. You’ve undoubtedly encountered advertisements while playing a mobile game.

The problem is that these advertisements irritate gamers. So the advertisements may have the reverse impact. People will react favorably to a fascinating and new commercial.

Choose this as your mobile advertising strategy for great results.

8. Local listings on Google, Yelp, Bing

It’s vital for local companies to be included in the free listing services like Google My Business. Because individuals on the move will be taking out their smartphones to look for your local listings.

A mobile-friendly website like Yelp, Bing, or Facebook can help you increase your mobile-based business. Mobile users will be more likely to contact you if you have correct company information such as name, location, website, hours, etc. This mobile advertising strategy has turned out to be one of the most useful techniques by various businesses, opt for this mobile marketing strategy and grow your business exponentially.

9. Videos and GIFs

The days of reading the long, wordy emails are over. People seek entertaining and digestible information, therefore videos and GIFs are ideal choices for mobile marketing strategy.

Using video in your social media marketing campaigns may increase consumer engagement. An online video will compel over half of the customers to take action. Engaging millennials raises that figure even further. So, opt to create more videos and GIF’s as part of your mobile advertising strategy and grow your business many folds.

10. Vertical Video and Animations

Consider this: 94% of smartphone users hold their phones vertically. However, many movies and animations are created for a square or horizontal format. We’re accustomed to watching videos in landscape mode on TVs, movie screens, and computers, but the same is not the case for smartphone users. 

So, while creating content for your business as a part of a mobile advertising strategy, you must create engaging vertical movies and animations for mobile devices to increase user engagement.

11. Augmented Reality

Virtual reality and augmented reality are comparatively new concepts, and many marketers are unfamiliar with them.

Virtual reality is a simulated, interactive experience in which the user puts on a headset and is transported to a virtual location such as a museum or outer space.

The Virtual components are projected onto real-world situations in augmented reality. This may be accomplished with the use of headsets and visors, or simply by holding your phone up to the outside world. Pokémon Go and Snapchat filters are two examples.

While virtual reality marketing tools such as virtual showrooms are expensive to develop, augmented reality may be readily integrated into mobile marketing efforts.

The key to this mobile marketing approach is to be inventive. So consider how you might provide your consumers with a pleasant and engaging experience.

This mobile advertising strategy is unique, so incorporate this in your business to stand out in the consumer market. 

12. Voice Search

 It’s the future, and it’s thrilling. Especially with the popularity of smart speakers like Amazon’s Alexa on the rise. So be ahead of the game and begin optimizing for voice search.

You should start thinking about how to get more traffic to your mobile website from voice searches. We explore in rather different ways when we type and when we talk. We prefer to utilize more long-tail keywords and natural sentences while utilizing voice search. That implies you’ll need to adjust your material accordingly.

Although consumers have yet to embrace speech technology for shopping, this is set to change very soon. Users will begin to make more purchases using voice searches as they become more popular. Design your mobile marketing strategies in a way that voice search amalgamates with it beautifully.

13. Mobile-Friendly Content

The term “mobile optimization” relates to many aspects of your website’s architecture. However, this is not the same as being mobile-friendly. Consuming material on a mobile device differs from doing it on a desktop computer.

Shorter words, interesting headers, and relevant material, such as high-quality pictures and videos, are all desirable. People are more inclined to skim information, therefore make it as simple as possible for them to do so.

When making videos, subtitles may be used to keep viewers interested. The majority of users (85%) watch videos on Facebook without sound. Even if the audio is muted, captions allow you to communicate your message.

Creating This sort of content with the help a great deal with your mobile advertising strategy.

14. Responsive Site Design

Your website, mobile advertising strategy, and marketing material should be mobile optimized, not simply mobile-friendly.

Only 35% of businesses utilize mobile optimization to increase mobile conversion rates to 5% or higher. Almost half of all mobile-friendly websites are responsive.

Additional to responsive site design, there are other ways to optimize your website. Using mobile-specific development platforms, HTML5 and adaptable design are the most popular methods to optimize your website.

15. Mobile Apps

Mobile apps help you with mobile advertising strategy exponentially. The mobile app industry is still one of the strongest in the world. That’s hardly surprising given that applications consume over 80% of mobile time.

You may advertise on mobile applications in a few ways. In-app advertising is the first option. The other is making a business app. That opens you to a lot of marketing options.

Making an app for your company makes it simpler and more convenient for customers to shop. You may also provide discount coupons and inform consumers of sales. Also, push notifications. These enable you to contact your audience at any time. 

16. Create QR Codes For Quick Access

Start utilizing QR codes if you want to take your mobile marketing strategies to the next level. These are quite popular in Japan, where they first appeared.

The acronym QR stands for “quick response.” The codes are excellent for mobile device users since they contain a lot of data and can be sent digitally and rapidly. 

QR code may still be new in the area your business resides, but can do a great amount of good in context with mobile marketing strategy.

17. Personalize Campaigns

For small companies, personalization is one of the most successful targeting techniques. You may create campaigns and mobile marketing strategies depending on where people reside and how they engage with your website using only a small amount of information about your site visitors or clients.

Personalization goes beyond email marketing: 51% of consumers want firms to anticipate their wants and send digital advertising based on past interactions, and 80% of people are more inclined to buy from businesses that give customized offers.

You may also add personal touches to your material and attempt to emotionally connect with your audience. Determine your consumers’ wants and criteria, then provide your product in a manner that best meets their demands. This is a great mobile advertising strategy to win over customers in the longer run.

18. Opt-in Forms

A major digital marketing best practice is obtaining people’s consent to interact with them. Whether you’re attempting to expand your email list or boost your text message marketing as a part of your mobile marketing strategy, opt-in forms are essential.

An opt-in form on your website may be as basic as a popup. It may even be as complicated as a request for an email address in exchange for an e-book download.

19. On-site And In-app Support

Customer experience is one of the most important factors in retaining customers. One approach to enhance their experience is to provide easily accessible assistance.

Whether there’s a live chat option on your website or an in-app assistance function that enables you to contact someone straight away, customer support is critical to your customer experience.

This is a useful mobile marketing strategy to build confidence amongst customers and create a long-term customer.

20. Chatbots 

Chatbots are becoming more popular in recent years and therefore should be used as a mobile marketing strategy. This piece of software allows you to interact with consumers via the internet. It’s a fantastic method to improve your mobile marketing efforts.

Make sure, though, that you’re using chatbots to have relevant and productive interactions. Customize the automated messages to suit your clients’ requirements. Consider if you want to provide customer support, information about your business and goods, or other services.

Benefits of Creating Mobile Marketing Strategies

Mobile marketing is undeniably effective in reaching a larger audience. It may also help you go viral by allowing you to share information more simply and quickly than with any other device. Because mobile phones are portable, they may accompany individuals wherever they go. And they’re accompanied by your ads.

Search engines, as we all know, reward those that modify their websites to make them mobile-friendly. If you don’t do so, your search engine results will suffer. You will rank better in search engines if you modify your site and make it not just user-friendly, but also mobile-friendly.

In contrast to traditional kinds of advertising, such as print, mobile marketing is more cost-effective. Furthermore, since text messages are often brief and straightforward, it is simpler and quicker to produce.

Mobile Marketing’s Advantages Include:

  • It is simple to keep track of.
  • Enhance the client experience.
  • Make your connection with them stronger.
  • Concentrate your efforts on a particular demographic.
  • Reach out to a larger audience.
  • Make a viral video.
  • Your search engine rankings will benefit.
  • It is way simpler to get in touch with the customers.
  • Cost-effective.
  • Communication with your audience in real-time.
  • Obtain immediate results.

Common Problems That Mobile Marketing Can Solve

Mobile marketing is distinctive in that it reaches consumers exactly where they are, in real-time. Furthermore, since more and more transactions are started through mobile, it is an essential component of any marketing plan.

Problem: You’re not sure whether my target audience is a mobile audience.

Mobile users nowadays vary in age from 7 to 90 years old. To put it another way, everybody is a mobile user in some way. Knowing how and when people utilize their mobile devices is the key. Take the time to create buyer personas, and you’ll be able to contact your target audience no matter where they are.

Problem: Your website and content within it are not responsive. 

Ensure responsive design throughout your website, emails, and landing pages as one of the first stages in developing a mobile marketing campaign. You can guarantee a smooth and easy-to-engage-with experience that will attract and keep consumers by adopting responsive design.

Problem: You have a lot of mobile traffic, but your conversion rate is low.

Improve your responsive site and landing page design, as well as personalize content for mobile, are some of the techniques that may be utilized to evaluate and improve your mobile marketing approaches. Businesses must improve their mobile conversion rates in order to future-proof their marketing approach.

Problem: You have no idea how to include a mobile strategy in my marketing strategy.

The first step in establishing any successful plan is to determine what success looks like. Bring together your key stakeholders to sketch out your mobile marketing strategy, assess how existing initiatives are working (if any are in place), and suggest areas for improvement.

Our Takeaway

Mobile marketing is becoming more important as people spend more time on their smartphones and tablets. Creating a unique mobile campaign offers many advantages, regardless of the kind of company you have.

The most successful small company mobile marketing strategies differ by industry, however, these approaches are commonly utilized in the marketing world. Despite the epidemic, statistics indicate that consumers are still receptive to tailored advertising that are relevant to them.

When planning your next campaign, keep these pointers in mind:

  • Mobile marketing is distinct from desktop marketing. More precise and interesting content is required during mobile marketing.
  • People want to see marketing efforts that are tailored to them. Personalization increases sales across the board, from emails to digital discounts.
  • Automation is the quickest method to create a successful campaign. Marketing tools make it simpler to communicate with your consumers on a regular basis.

If you use a handful of these mobile marketing strategies for small companies, your next marketing campaign will be a success.

Do you need assistance with your mobile marketing strategies? Do you want to learn more about different kinds of mobile marketing? Please get in touch with us via the comments section below for more questions!

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