website design for sales

How Website Design Can Improve Your Sales

Website design for sales is extremely important. As the saying goes, “the first impression is the last impression”, this holds true for your website design too. Approximately, 95% of the first impressions about your business are formed through website designs. Various factors like website speed, quality of images & visuals, ability to view a full web page on various devices, etc help in forming the first impression of your website.

Web design for sales is crucial to engage the visitors on the website and to make them buy products & services that the brand has to offer. This is the reason that companies today are investing heavily in website design to enhance their virtual presence by making impressive, responsive, appealing and user-friendly websites.

How to improve website design for sales?

Keep reading to learn more about how a site’s design can help in increasing your business’s revenue.

Importance of website design for sales

The first interaction between your brand and the audience takes place through your website. Therefore, your chances of boosting sales increases with a good web design having a clean layout, appealing visuals, and good navigation. Read the statistics given below for a more clear understanding:

  • 75% of opinions for website credibility is formed through website design.

The visitors judge the credibility of your website through its design. So, you should keep on revamping your website design for sales and revenues. An updated website with a clear and attractive web design engages more visitors.

  • 89% of the audience switches to other websites facing poor user experience.

Websites with poor usability and functionality fail to impress the visitors resulting in them buying products and services from the competitor brands.

  • 38% of the audience quits browsing unattractive websites.

The modern and visually appealing web designs attract visitors more. This leads to them becoming your potential buyers, thus increasing sales and revenues.

Ways to improve sales through website design

Now that you know how important website design is for sales, let’s discuss ways to improve sales through an appealing web design.

  1. Responsive web design: This is where you need to start from. Focus on creating a website that is responsive and does not test the patience of buyers. As per the records, 37% of customers choose mobiles for buying products. Therefore, it is essential to have a website that can work fine on any screen size and on any device.
  1. CTAs for conversions: Modern web designs give you the option to include Call-To-Action or CTA feature in your website through which you can encourage the visitors to engage and spend more time on your website, thereby making them form a buying decision.
  1. Make use of images & videos: Design elements and multimedia in websites speak volumes about your company. It is a fact that high-quality images, videos, and graphics attract the attention of your visitors more and for a longer duration. 

Pro tip- Use custom images and videos instead of the free options available on the internet to give a personal touch.

  1.  Easy navigation: With navigation, visitors can easily find what they want to see on your website. They can easily visit any linked page or go back to the previous page quickly. You can consider categories and subcategories to help the visitors find and buy what they are looking for. 
  1. High-speed: According to studies, every year there is a loss of $2.6 billion in revenue due to slow-loading sites. So keep your website in sync with this fast-moving world through the modern web design that helps in increasing the functionality and reducing the loading speed of your website.

Investing in web design sales will enhance!

Spending quantities to achieve quality will help your business to reach a new height in terms of sales. By creating a beautifully designed site, you can keep your audience engaged and interested on your page for a longer time.

Revamping your website might sound tedious but Ranolia Ventures can do that task with ease. With our creative web designers, we can help you build the website you have always wanted for your business.

Contact us to know more about web design services.

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