Hair Salon Promotion Marketing Ideas

25 Hair Salon Promotion Marketing Ideas That Will Help Your Salon

With the hair salon market growing exponentially, it is essential to keep up and well ahead of the competition using relevant hair salon promotion marketing strategies. 

Here are 25 Hair salon promotion marketing ideas that will help you gear up and stand out from the crowd.

1. Provide Discounts for Referrals

This is one of my favorites. I’m likely to recommend a hairdresser or manicurist to all of my friends once I find one I like.

Why not reward your consumers for doing your advertising for you for free and referring new customers to you?

Take a look at this example:

“Thanks for sending us to your buddy!” I recommend writing in an email or on a postcard.

We’re so grateful you thought of us that we’d like to let you know we’re thinking of you as well.

“Here’s a $15 discount on your next visit.”

2. Punch Cards or Loyalty Programs

It’s always excellent to reward great clients, just like referral discounts. Show your clients that you not only listen to their stories but that you eagerly anticipate them!

Give a discount for the 11th visit for every ten visits. Consider paying them the original pricing if they’ve been coming to you long enough for service charges to climb. Customer loyalty is crucial for any business, but salons may easily benefit from it.

 3. Check out Yelp.

If you’re not on Yelp, you’re unlikely to attract new business from millennials. Claim your company, upload images, and respond to consumer reviews is simple.

Customers that check-in at your site can receive discounts or package packages, such as a 10% discount on a manicure and pedicure.

4. Ads That are Geotargeted

Geotargeted ads should be your closest buddy, whether you use Facebook or AdWords. When your salon is in New York, you don’t want to be dealing with appointment requests from clients in California!

Do you require assistance in putting it together? We’ve got excellent guides on AdWords and Facebook targeting.

 5. Ads on Mobile Devices

Mobile ads, like geotargeting, can be quite valuable, especially with AdWords’ new bidding options, which allow users to bid differently on desktop and mobile.

6. Demonstrate Your Expertise Staff

I enjoy browsing periodicals in a salon’s waiting room for inspiration. I also appreciate being able to point to any photo and know that my stylist would take care of it!

Instead of periodicals on the table, make a binder showcasing styles and cuts that your team has completed—perhaps a compilation of Instagram photos!

7. Pitch Your Salons for Events Using Hashtags

Consider wedding hashtags. It’s very convenient to have all of your wedding images immediately accessible using a hashtag! What’s the benefit of salons? You can make use of them to be proactive.

You can be proactive with many couples announcing their #engagements or planning bachelor/bachelorette parties on Instagram and Facebook with a wedding hashtag.

Simply look for hashtag interactions, discover the hashtag owner, and send a sales pitch to their direct messages.

8. Distribute Coupons in Your Community

We used to get daily planners with a schedule for the year and numerous coupons from local companies strategically put throughout the calendar when I was in high school.

Every year, the boys all rented tuxes from the same establishment, and the girls all had their hair and nails done at the same local salon (there were two locations, but still a huge crowd).

It’s a fantastic chance to cash in on a sizeable money-making event while also contributing to your community! 

9. Make Online Reservations Available

This is enormous! When I’m killing time on my commute, and it’s probably not suitable to talk on the phone, I usually browse for new hair salons.

Furthermore, calling real people to schedule an appointment is overrated. If an online reservation system isn’t an option, consider including an email address in your contact information that customers may use to schedule an appointment.

10. Compile a List of Email Addresses

This is such a basic but effective marketing strategy.

You can utilize an email address for appointment reminders, newsletter updates, referral bonuses, and Facebook remarketing lists, so having one is like receiving the keys to the kingdom.

11. Make the Most of Instagram

 Watching videos on Instagram is one of my guilty loves. Typically, they include individuals preparing outstanding cuisine, but they can also include beauty instructions!

I adore seeing someone’s hair cut short and colored purple or having extensions or nail decorations carefully glued on.

Make the most of your abilities by recording your clients; with their consent, of course. Even better, encourage your clients to post the videos on their social media profiles to promote your salon to their friends!

12….As Well As Facebook

On Instagram, there’s a handy “share” option that allows you to share all of your testimonies and videos across both networks!

If you have longer-form advice, start with Facebook because people are more willing to spend more time on a single post. Carousel ads are also worth a shot!

A fantastic approach to highlight your work and appointments. Try targeting an audience with a birthday coming up with an ad that reads, “Treat Yourself!” or someone who is engaged with an ad that reads, “Let Us Pamper You for Your Big Day!” Facebook advertising allows you to target your audience by interest.

13. Use Twitter to Promote Flash Sales

A flash sale is one of my favorite salon marketing ideas! Twitter is an excellent location to promote this.

Send out a tweet that says, “$10 haircut for anyone eager to let our best new addition show off her skills!” and give it to the first person who replies.

14. Promotions for Birthdays

 On their birthday, who doesn’t want to be pampered? You can send out a birthday special to your clients by asking for their birth date or month, such as a discounted blowout or makeup session.

Another option is to commemorate your salon’s birthday with a week or month of special offers. Carry business cards with you.

 Have you ever received a compliment on your hair or nails from a stranger on the train or while shopping? It’s not only flattering, but it’s also a great way to say, “Thank you!” 

16. Create Video Content 

This may sound frivolous, but content can range from amusing blog articles about nightmare makeovers and rushed events to instructional movies.

Use your staff’s knowledge to become an authority for your audience if they continually learn new trends and earn new certifications.

Even a simple title like “How to Properly Cut Your Bangs” will get your name out there, and you can welcome anyone who wants help with their bang trim.

17. Host Parties 

 This is possibly the most entertaining salon marketing tip!

Hosting pamper parties for a good cause, a birthday, or a bachelorette party may be a terrific way to connect with your clients while also spreading the word about your salon.

18. Teach a Workshop or a Class

Offering a class or workshop is a great way to expand your salon marketing options. It’s also a worthwhile endeavor for the image of your shop.

You might give beauty or grooming classes or workshops in your salon or partner with local colleges, community centers, or other venues.

19. Write a Blog Post About It

Blogging is an excellent approach to raise awareness of your salon. According to a Blog Hubspot article, blogs may assist increase traffic to your website, convert visitors into leads, build your authority, and produce long-term results.

Create a blog area on your salon’s website to make use of this powerful medium. Next, devote some time to creating high-quality content that will appeal to your target audience.

Offer beauty advice, list and advise on hair styling ideas, provide cosmetics videos, cover skincare recommendations and best practices, and recommend helpful hair products and tools on your salon blog.

20. Set up a Selfie Station No.

Setting up a selfie station is one of our favorite salon marketing ideas. Locate a section of neutral wall or utilize a pop-up background to create the ideal setting for your selfie location.

You can also create a custom background that includes your salon’s logo, social media account, and hashtag.

 Make your selfie station an engaging experience for your customers, no matter what you utilize. They’ll want to take a few photos before leaving the salon this way.

After all, they’re more eager to share when they see (and feel) their finest. Make it a point to urge clients to tag you and your salon in social media posts.

For your efforts, you might get a brief testimonial. Consider offering points for each tagged post shared if your salon has a rewards system in place.

21. Keep Up  

You should do your share if you work in the beauty industry. Your hair and cosmetics should be flawless at all times.

In addition, your attire should be appropriate for the salon setting. Keep in mind that your clients look to you for guidance on such issues.

If you don’t meet their standards, they won’t take you seriously. Make slight modifications to your appearance on a regular basis to maintain it current. If your clients notice you changing, they’re more inclined to follow suit.

22. Establishing Trends

Why not be the inspiration for your hair clients who are looking for the next big thing? Make some fresh hairstyles and take some photos (that selfie station would suffice) that you can use for a variety of purposes.

Keep things simple by enlisting the help of a client, a friend, your salon receptionist, or another hairstylist. When it comes to hair photos, changes in hair color and makeovers are always popular.

Simply keep the styles wearable and make it clear what to ask for the next time you’re in the salon. Make your hairstyles/trends remember by giving them a creative and unique name.

Perhaps make a hashtag out of it. Use social media, your blog, and your salon’s newsletters and e-blasts to promote your new trend.

23. Inquire About Salon Reviews

Before trying a new product or service, many people look for reviews online. Salons are no exception, especially given how much interaction there is with other individuals.

Furthermore, shoppers are willing to spend 31% more on a business with outstanding evaluations, according to Invesp.

 Set aside some time to ask your most satisfied customers to leave a review on sites like Yelp, Google Reviews, and Facebook, to mention a few.

 Nothing has proven to be more beneficial than word-of-mouth referrals and online reviews regarding salon marketing.

24. Get Engaged in Your Community 

When a small company owner takes the time to get involved in their community, it says a lot about them – so do it.

Donate as much of your time as possible to neighborhood gatherings, charity activities, and fundraisers to obtain recognition.

Women’s shelters, veterans’ shelters, and homeless shelters are excellent places to start.

Consider career fairs at local schools, labor programs, and renovation projects in your community. 

25. Do You Require Assistance With Salon Marketing Ideas?

You don’t have time to market your salon because you’re too busy? Consider enlisting the help of a professional to manage your salon’s marketing. Contact Ranolia Ventures, a digital marketing agency with more than five years of expertise. 

They would come up with concepts, pitch them, and then work to bring them to life. Most marketing pros can assist with blog post copy, social media strategy, and ad space research and purchase as needed.

Furthermore, they have an expert team of designers, videographers, photographers, and other specialists that can assist you in taking your salon to the next level.


The secret to successful salon marketing is effort and consistency, regardless of which strategies you utilize.

So, get imaginative, think long-term, and even seek assistance if necessary – just keep going!

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