
Move ahead with changing times. Tap into decentralized apps.

Turn Your Business Secure,Scalable

And Globally Accessible With Dapps

We are a reputed blockchain development firm with profound knowledge and experience in developing and managing decentralized solutions.


Blockchain technology is fastly changing the technology world disrupting the business world. With characteristics like decentralization, immutability, transparency, and distributed ledger, we, a blockchain app development company have a clear understanding of its growth potential. We have experience in integrating blockchain into mobility solutions offering the best of both worlds to startups and enterprises.

We develop smart contracts, cryptocurrencies, audit the process before going live, and help startups raise ICO.

We, at Ranolia Ventures, have successfully ventured into Blockchain technology and can provide you with a complete package - a team of Blockchain developers, designers, and marketers who know their way around the technology and can develop a decentralized ecosystem for your brand using the necessary tools and languages.

Our highly qualified blockchain app developers have honed their abilities in dealing with a variety of platforms, like Ethereum and Solidity, to provide you with a wide range of alternatives and solutions as you prepare to enter this realm.

Add Dapps Into Your Business

Solutions To Become More Reliable

Add scalability, transparency, security to your apps by using a wide range of decentralized solutions. Our blockchain app development services providers serve you the right solution fit for business needs.

Blockchain App Consultation

Blockchain is new to most businesses. Our expert consultants help you clear your doubts and show you the way how blockchain apps can be a perfect fit for your business.

Connect with our blockchain consultants→

MVP Development

We thoroughly conduct tests before launching a DApp. We develop an MVP for our early adopters. After getting sufficient nods we proceed with the launch of DApp.


Smart Contracts Development

Our team of smart contract developers creates immutable and precise smart contracts that eliminate disputes in the business environment.


End To End DApp Solutions

We handle the full development of DApp solutions from the ideation, designs, coding to the final launching of the solutions.


IEO & ICO Services

Preparing your idea for investors, generating Cryptocurrency for distribution, developing White Papers, and promoting your IEO & ICO are all part of our comprehensive IEO & ICO services.


Crypto Exchange Development

We, at Ranolia Ventures, can assist you in developing a hack-proof platform for the real-time exchange of cryptocurrencies on Android and iOS.


Custom Blockchain Solutions

We provide unique Blockchain solutions that can be integrated with your existing mobile apps to create Dapps.


Crypto Wallet Development

We create Crypto wallet Dapps as part of our Blockchain Development Services, which hold hundreds of cryptocurrencies while also storing information about your wallet balance and purchase history.


Hyperledger Based Solutions

We create Blockchain Applications that are scalable, immutable, trusted, secured, and support a variety of plug-ins using a hyperledger.


Permissioned (Private) Blockchain

We create an enterprise-grade distributed ledger and codebase that limits open-source distributed ledger participation.



Our team of blockchain developers also provides digital tokenization services. Instead of cash, the tokens we produce can be used to represent asset values that can be traded as cryptocurrency and loyalty points.

Discuss your ideas with our blockchain experts→

Industries That We Provide Our

Blockchain App Development Services


Our Blockchain Healthcare solutions have been shown to solve a variety of real-world healthcare problems, such as fragmented patient data and the traditional drug design approach.


Finance & Payments

We include the decentralization feature in your payment app while designing Blockchain applications to keep an immutable record and eliminate instances of fraud.



We help retailers improve their data collection, payment processing, and product verification, among other things.


Travel & Tourism

Our blockchain development solutions efficiently decentralize the travel and tourist industries, from identity verification to tracking luggage, making payments, and creating consumer loyalty systems.


Voting & Government

Our team of blockchain software developers creates distributed ledger technology (DLT) solutions for the government that include election transparency, crypto mining, currency tokenization, and real-time monitoring.


Music & Entertainment

We give solutions that boost the chances of fundraising, tracking files, maintaining authenticity, engaging users, and more as the finest blockchain app development business.



We provide smart contracts and other decentralized legal solutions to help people resolve disputes, notarize papers, create land registries, retain records, and more.


Real Estate

We are a leading blockchain development firm that has built marketplaces where buyers and sellers can interact directly, make payments, invest in fractional ownership, and more.


Supply Chain

O urBlockchain Developers construct supply chain systems that cover the whole lifecycle of a block of data from the factory to the warehouse, logistics, retail, and end-users.


Education & Learning

We provide educational institutions with the most disruptive services, from strengthening recordkeeping facilities to tracking student credentials, authenticating identities, and increasing the efficiency of existing operations.

The blockchain platforms and tech

stack to Decentralize Your Business
Our blockchain app developers understand what it takes to boost your company's performance in a decentralized environment. To make your Dapps solutions successful, we use a variety of tools and components.

Blockchain Platforms


Programming Languages

System Architecture

Application Layer

The User Interface which combines customer interactions with business logic

dApp Browser
Decentralized Application
Programming Language
Application Hosting

Services and Optional Components

Provides a view to connect application operations with other platforms and technologies.

Data Feeds
Off-chain Computing
Governance/ DAOS
State Channels
Smarts Contracts
Digital Assets
Digital IDs

Protocol Layer

Decide the Process of network participation and consensus.

Consensus Algorithms
Side Chains

Network Layer

An interface and transportation medium for a peer-to-peer network, which helps decide how the data will be packetized.

Roll Your Own
Block Delivery Networks
Trusted Execution Environment

Infrastructure Layer

The in-house blockchain as a Service that controls all the nodes.

We are trusted by brands you believe in

Frequently asked questions

What is the role of Blockchain in revolutionizing the mobile app industry?
The mobile app market is being transformed by blockchain in a variety of ways, including:- Providing a more secure and transparent environment

By securing digital data while allowing several users to access it

By increasing the overall return on investment

By infiltrating remote locations

By safeguarding the system from faults, flaws, crashes, and other problems

Why should you invest in Blockchain development?
The following are some of the reasons why you should invest in building Blockchain solutions:


Data duplication is reduced.

Increased transparency

Transactions that are completed faster

Data security that is strong

Data storage costs are lower.

What are the business applications of Blockchain?
A few reasons why you should invest in developing Blockchain solutions are:-

Smart Contract

Cloud Storage

Supply-Chain Communications & Proof-of-Provenance

Crypto Payments

Electronic Voting

What are the business applications of Blockchain?
Below is the list of technologies used for developing Blockchain app-

Smart Contracts

Storage in the Cloud


Supply-Chain Communications

Cryptocurrency Payments

Voting via computer

Which technology is best for developing a Blockchain app?
The following is a list of technologies that have been used in the development of Blockchain applications:


Hedera Hashgraph

R3 Corda






How to hire the right Blockchain app development company?
Choosing a blockchain app development firm, like choosing a mobile app development firm, is a difficult undertaking. The decision is influenced by a number of elements, including the size of the team, their expertise, their portfolio, their industry exposure, their ratings and reviews, and so on.
How much does it cost for blockchain app development?
The cost of developing a blockchain app is determined by a number of factors, including the application's complexity, the number of stakeholders who interact with it, and industry compliances. As a result, it is preferable to obtain an estimate while examining these elements.

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Project With Us

We have worked with some of the best innovative ideas and brands across several industry verticals over the world.
You have an idea.
We’ll make it
a reality.
We’re leading experts in cutting-edge web and mobile
app development.
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